Well here we are. Day 1 of my writing prompt challenge is here! The first topic is Moving - here is a blog post inspired by Moving.
Whenever I see the word 'moving' I think of moving house. If you just groaned at the thought then I am totally with you. I think moving house is the single most stressful thing you can ever do. It's traumatic. It makes grown men weep. It is one of those things that we all have to do at least once in our lives and yet we would do almost anything to avoid it.
You know when you are watching a game of footy and the commentators ( or the person beside you on the couch) will mention the football Gods. The ball stops just millimetres before the dead ball line... The football Gods were shining on the kicker!
Well I think there are Moving Gods. Except they are never ever with anyone. I see them as like those cheeky Gods on Mount Olympus playing tricks on the gullible humans. You may think the Moving Gods are with you but there will always be a sting in the tail.
Most people hope that on moving day it will be a fine day. Rain and moving house is a bad combination. So no rain please. The Moving Gods grant you this wish and for those few seconds upon waking that you realise it's not raining you think oh thank you! Until it turns out that instead moving day will in fact be the hottest day on record since 1971 so that two boxes in you melt in a puddle on the driveway unable to do more... Moving Gods are kind to no one!
Then there are the times when we realise that we really are beyond borrowing people's vans or hiring a truck and so we hire professional movers. So we plead that the movers be on time, not play blaring music that will give you a headache, and that they do their job quickly and efficiently. The Moving Gods rarely accede to this request. It's usually beyond even their powers to control the habits of removal men. But when they do... It seems like a small piece of heaven has arrived in your new home. That is until you discover every single glass you own is now in a thousand pieces... Or worse... Just one glass from every set of 4.
So the moving Gods are kind to no one. They like having their little jokes. If you don't know this then might I suggest you take a good look around where you live and imagine yourself living there for the rest of your life. Because if you decide to move then the Moving Gods will spare you no mercy!
I have moved so many times in my life and realised pretty soon that the moving gods have a sense of humour and love Murphy's Law.
The last time I moved I was 6 months pregnant with horrendous morning sickness. My most vivid memory of the day is of throwing up in the garden at the new house in between telling the removalists where to put various boxes.
Oh my Mims! That's a shocker!
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