Day 6 - Outside
Outside the house, outside the box, standing on the outside looking in. So many different things came to mind when I thought of the word 'outside.' Outside the house is probably the most positive. We go outside to get fresh air, feel the breeze, see the blue sky or alternatively the starry sky at night.
In fact why don't I do that more often? I love sitting outside and looking up at the night sky. I'm ashamed to say I cannot recognise any constellations. I tend to make up my own, though they are rarely very imaginative. 'Look if you join that one and that one and that one its a giant triangle! How cool!' Yeah not very creative I know!
So going outside can have many positive connotations. Think about going outside for the first time in years? Perhaps you have been ill or gaoled for a crime you didn't commit.
I read recently about a man being released from prison after serving 27 years. It was discovered he was not guilty after all. Imagine when this man walks outside for the first time unshackled? Everything will be vivid, a blessing. Things we take for granted such as feeling the grass under our feet, feeling the sun on our face, a cool breeze on a warm day will be magical to him. Walking along a busy street and stopping to browse would seem like a great adventure.
So yes going outside. That's what I'm going to focus on today. Not desperately trying to think out of the box or being so different that you are an outsider. Instead I will think of starry nights, a smiling moon, cool breezes, birds chirping in trees overhead; wondering if you may well be a victim of bird poop landing on you...Yes even that is positive. It is supposed to be good luck after all!
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