So I was browsing through a certain online auction site and there they were. Available at a fairly reasonable price... Pirate yoga pants.
Which of course begs the question - What the hell? I can't tell you the number of things that crossed my mind. Do pirates do yoga? If so is there a certain dress standard required? Are there pirate yoga tops too? Do they come in a variety of colours?
Let's think about it though. Pirate yoga - it could be a thing. I mean I'm sure when someone first came up with concept of Zumba they were shouted down. That would never work they were told.
So Pirate Yoga. The possibilities are endless. The most obvious being the great new names for the yoga poses. Can you manage The Plank? Not quite? Never fear you can attempt the 'Walk The Plank' instead. Which would probably consist of walking... In a straight line... Pretending to balance yourself.
Downward Dog is so yesterday. All the cool kids are doing the 'You Scurvy Dog.'
Animal names are common in yoga. How about The Albatross? Or The Parrot? Which may or may not involve attempting to sit on someone's shoulder. Repeating verbatim what the instructor says is of course optional.
Clutching your stomach tightly while bending forward and groaning - doing the 'Sea Sickness' pose.
The corpse pose can pretty much stay the same.
If you want cardio then perhaps a bit of sword fighting? Not strictly yoga but hey a fencing/yoga fusion done while listening to 'A sailor went to sea sea sea',' 6 months in a leaky boot','I am sailing' and 'The horn pipe' could be the next big thing.
So there you have it. If you have ever wondered what to do with that ill advised late night purchase when you thought pirate yoga pants seemed like a great idea? Well now you know! Let's get started?