Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Thursday is BLOG DAY

Well here we are and finally after a break of oh a bit of time... I am going to start blogging on a regular basis again. Thursday is Blog day and from now on I will blog on a weekly basis and if I miss I give you permission to chastise me on a grand scale.

So this blog of course has not taken much thought so I thought I would say a few words about blogging in general. To some people blogs are pointless. There are countless number of blogs out there and most are probably not much good which raises the question what are blogs for?

I'm certain initially when people started online journals they did so simply to write. They wanted to share feeling and thoughts and opinions and it felt cathartic. Perhaps a few friends had a look and discussion ensued. But because we are human these things took of and now we find bloggers who are famous for blogging. It is the reality TV of the Internet now.

Why do I blog? Well I like writing down my thoughts and if someone reads them then that is great. Well actually it would be really great as hopefully then these people will read my other writings!  However if no one reads it then that is ok too as I enjoy it, it is fun and helpful and great writing practice.

Why do you blog? Or do you think Blogging has gotten a little out of hand?

Cheers till next Thursday,

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